1. Islamic Awakening and Media (a collection of articles & lectures),(2011), Islamic Radios and Televisions Union, Tehran, Islamic Radios and Televisions Union.
2. Islamic Media, Methods of Cooperation and Synergy (a collection of lectures of the 4th General Assembly), (2011), Tehran, Islamic Radios and Televisions Union.
3. The World of Islam, Opportunities and Challenges, (a collection of lectures of the 5th General Assembly), (2011), Tehran, Islamic Radios and Televisions Union.
4. Religion, Media and Kids, Viewpointsof ImamKhomeini (Rah) and Imam Khamenei (in 3 languages), (2011),Tehran, Islamic Radios and Televisions Union.
5. Religion and Modern Media, (2010), Tehran, Islamic Radios and Televisions Union.