The General Assembly
Article 11: The General Assembly is the highest organ of the Union and has all the required powers to achieve the purposes of the Union and is composed of permanent members of the Union. The General Assembly shall have one ordinary meeting in one year and hold extraordinary meetings according to the rules in the Internal Bylaw.
Article 12: The General Assembly determines the general purposes and policies of the Union, supervises over the performance of the High Council, the Secretary General, Permanent Committees, and centers and affiliated institutions. It also has the power to accept, suspend and cancel the membership of members, to decide on establishing a new organ, center and institution in the Union, to amend the Statute, ratify international treaties and decide on all matters not stipulated in the Statute. The General Assembly may delegate its power to the Secretary General and the High Council.
The High Council
Article 13: The High Council is an elected body which is responsible to the General Assembly. It prepares reports and supervises over the activities of the Secretariat, committees, and centers for the purpose of realizing the aims of the Union. The High Council consists of the following members:
1. The Secretary General and his two deputies
2. Six representatives from television networks, three representatives from radio networks and one representative from media institutions. They are elected by the relative majority of the votes of members present at the General Assembly from among those who have put behind one full term after membership in the Union.
In the beginning of each term, the High Council elects from its members one chairperson and one deputy chairperson.
Article 14: The term of High Council activity is four years. The meetings of the High Council are held with the presence of majority of members at least once every six months. Deputy Secretary-General, Rapporteur and his substitute and any person the Council determines to be necessary attend the meeting of the High Council without right to vote.
Secretariat and Secretary General of the Union
Article 15: The General Assembly elects from among its members the Secretary-General and two his vice for a renewable term of 4 years by relative majority of the members present. The election of the Secretary-General and his two vice is done from among real persons on the basis of their scientific qualification and professional expertise and knowledge towards media affairs and the Union.
Article 16: The Secretariat of the Union is a body consisting of the Secretary-General, his two vice, deputy and assistants, Rapporteur and the Substitute Rapporteur. The Secretary-General is in charge of the Secretariat.
Note: The deputy, assistants, Rapporteur and the Substitute Rapporteur are appointed by the Secretary-General.
Article 17: The Secretary-General represents the Union in external relations of the Union and before the courts. Signing of all documents and contracts that give rise to any liability for the Union and all international treaties that have been approved by the General Assembly, deciding on the agenda of the meetings of the General Assembly and the High Council and sending invitations for meetings are among the functions of the Secretary-General. The Secretary-General can delegate some of his responsibilities to one of his two vice or deputy, or Rapporteur or Substitute Rapporteur.
Article 18: The General Assembly shall establish the following committees:
1. The Religious Discourse Committee
2. The News and Political Committee
3. The Training Committee
4. The production Committee
5. The Technical Committee
6. The Media Services Committee.
Note: The General Assembly may establish, if it deems necessary, other permanent committees to realize the activities of the Union.
Article 19: The chairpersons of the committees are chosen by the High Council from among its members upon the proposal of the Secretary-General. The High Council approves the internal regulations of the committees with a view to realizing activities of the permanent committees on the basis of the Statute and Bylaw of the Union.
Article 20: Each committee submits its plans, proposals and working program with a view to realizing the purposes and aims of the Union Statute and the High Council decides on their functions, powers and their modus operandi and the Secretary- General supervises on its activity.
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